風潮唱片 馬修連恩 Matthew Lien 10張專輯 MP3格式
軟體名稱:風潮唱片 馬修連恩 Matthew Lien 10張專輯 MP3格式
系統支援:For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN 7
TCD-5301【海角一樂園】Voyage to Paradise
01.[幕起]勸君 The First Encounter
02.海角一樂園 Island Collage
03.雨。花蓮 Rains on Seashore
04.綠色狂想 Grasshopper Flirting
05.太魯閣 Marble Canyon
06.思想起 Recalling the Past
07.微笑部落 Tribal Duet
08.離騷 Lovesick Under the Moom
09.採蕨貓 Pinpu Woman
10.野台 Country Opera Song
11.[幕落]吾愛,福爾摩莎 Don't Say Goodbye, Taiwan
TCD-5302【美麗新世界】Touching the Earth
01.大地之母 Maame Asaase (Mother Earth)
02.提卡爾 Tikal
03.生命共同體 Common Thread
04.花與溪 The Flower and the Stream
05.血象牙 Blood for Ivory
06.她 She
07.神佑 Via Con Dios
08.塵土飛揚 Kicking Up the Dirt
09.高屏美地 Sweet Earth of the Kao
10.自由 Liberation
11.大地的呼喚 When the Earth Calls Her Children Home
12.離別 Parting
TCD-5303【旅程】In So Many Words
01.藍光 Blue Lights
02.所恨之人 People that You Hate
03.傷心民權路 Tears on Min Chuan Road
04.因果 Cause and Effect
05.河水 This Water
06.天堂飛機跑道 Airstrip in Paradise
07.繩子的背後 Behind the Lines
08.訝然佇立 I Stand Amazed
09.消逝的小孩 The Child Slips Away
10.十種人生(序曲) Life of Ten (Intro)
11.十種人生 Life of Ten
01.獨角獸 Unicorn(2003年全新錄音)
02.四季 The Seasons
03.最後的華爾滋 The Last Waltz
04.潛鳥之歌 A Tune for a Loon
05.好朋友 Good Company
06.庫魯阿尼 Kluane
07.流浪貓 Alley Cat
08.情深意重 Very Much to Me
09.侯林達 Hallingdal
10.找一個家 In Search of Home
11.茉莉莫絲 Molly Moss
12.天堂的名字 Heaven's Name
TCD-5305【北極】The Arctic Refuge
01.北極心 Heart of the Refuge
02.地球的屋頂 Among the Rafters of the Earth
03.潮流 Currents
04.山谷之下 Under Mountain and Valley
05.無火人傳奇 Legend of the Man Without Fire
06.月過烏鴉山 Moon Over Crow Mountain
07.險徑 A Perilous Trek
08.馴鹿歸鄉 The Journey Home
09.初生 Renewal
10.一條大河向海洋 One River to the Sea
11.群鯨之歌 Whales
TCD-5306【水事紀】A Journey of Water
01.棲蘭山雨 Cypress Mountain Rain
02.斯瓦伊安(為什麼) Swa-iyal(Why?)
03.萬馬奔騰Ten-Thousand Horses Running
04.茶人之愛A Labour of Love
05.夢土列車Dreamland Express
06.地心的暖流 The Warmth Within
07.夏日狂潮 Beiguan Typhoon
08.回聲 Reflections of the Past
09.寧靜河流Placid Waters
10.噶瑪蘭之淚 The Tears of the Kavalan Prince
11.海洋搖籃 Ocean`s Cradle
12.美麗之島 Ihla Formosa
TCD-9047【狼】Bleeding Wolves
01.飛鼠溪 Flying Squirrel Creek
02.歸鄉之翼 These Wings
03.步列瑟濃 Bressanon
04.戰前 Before The war
05.狼 Bleeding Wolves
06.哭泣的雪特蘭 Tears over Shetland
07.力氣與悲傷 Of Strength and Sorrow
08.床邊故事 Bedtime Stories
09.在無所有 And Then There Were None
10.寧靜的安息 In Silent Repose
01.歡騰 Flail
02.匯流 Conflunce
03.蛻變 The Coming Through
04.我心所求 All That I Could Ask for
05.弦情逸致 All Strings Great and Small
06.直到永遠 Forever
07.河流 The River
08.皮爾山谷 In the Canyon of the Peel
09.避風港 Safe Harbour
10.群巒大地 The Hills of Terra Frima
TCD-9082【馴鹿宣言】Caribou Commons
01.映照過往的明鏡 A Mirror to the Past
02.會合 The Gathering
03.繁殖地 The Calving Grounds
04.野花華爾滋,綿羊溪華爾滋,小鹿 Wildflower Waltz, Sheep Creek Waltz, Dead Calf Lament
05.200天 200 Days
06.成群結隊 The Swarm, The Herd
07.該如此,就如此 Just as It Should Be
08.猛禽 Birds of Prey
09.頑石滴血 Blood from a Stone
10.哥威迅人的土地 The Land of the Gwich'in
TCD-9188 旅客「台灣客翻天」原聲帶
01. Ha-Fun Taiwan 台灣客翻天
02. Among the Rows of Tea 這山唱那山
03. The Four Mountain Kings 四大山歌王
04. Ba -yin Blues 八音布魯斯
05. The Colour of the Rain 雨的顏色
06. The Yi-min Mounds 義民塚
07. Tzu-tien Station 莎呦娜啦竹田
08. River of Memories 記憶之河
09. Planting the Seeds of Song 大埔之歌
10. Under This Old Tree 大樹伯公下
11. The Plum Farmer 梅農甘苦
12. Wu Bi Ta 等待
13. Uncle Huang's House 黃叔叔的老伙房
14. Meet You In My Dream 夢中微光
15. Behind the Mask 面具之後
16. Father and Son 藝界父子情
17. Learning To Swim 學泅水