
2015年 TED Talks全年合集演講 (毫無繁雜冗長的專業講座 觀點響亮 開門見山 種類繁多 看法新穎) 英文教學版(DVD9四片裝 此片售價800元)

軟體名稱:2015年 TED Talks全年合集演講 (毫無繁雜冗長的專業講座 觀點響亮 開門見山 種類繁多 看法新穎) 英文教學版(DVD9四片裝 此片售價800元)
系統支援:For Windows XP/Vista/7

ED(指 technology, entertainment, design在英語中的縮寫,即技術、娛樂、設
旨是「用思想的力量來改變 世界」。TED誕生於1984年,其發起人是裡查德·沃曼。
2002年起,克裡斯·安德森接管TED,創立了種子基金會(The Sapling Foundation)
域的傑出人物,分享他們關於技術、社會、人的 思考和探索。TED演講的特點是毫

4 lessons I learned from taking a stand against drugs and gun violence
4 powerful poems about Parkinson's and growing older
10 myths about psychology, debunked
A better way to talk about abortion
A brief history of phone wiretapping -- and how to avoid it
A forensic anthropologist who brings closure for the disappeared
A journey through the mind of an artist
A love poem for lonely prime numbers
A magical search for a coincidence
A powerful poem about what it feels like to be transgender
A tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collided
Better toilets, better life
Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it
Can we create new senses for humans
Creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits
Everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear
For more tolerance, we need more ... tourism
For these women, reading is a daring act
Got a wicked problem First, tell me how you make toast
Happy maps
Hopeful lessons from the battle to save rainforests
How butterflies self-medicate
How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime
How I use sonar to navigate the world
How I Work To Protect Women From Honor Killings
How our microbes make us who we are
How to go to space, without having to go to space
How to let altruism be your guide
How to manage for collective creativity
How to protect fast-growing cities from failing
How to revive a neighborhood with imagination, beauty and art
How to run a company with (almost) no rules
How we're teaching computers to understand pictures
How we found the worst place to park in New York City -- using big data
Humanity vs. Ebola. How we could win a terrifying war
I was held hostage for 317 days. Here's what I thought about…
In praise of macro -- yes, macro -- finance in Africa
Let's save the last pristine continent
My mother’s strange definition of empowerment
My simple invention, designed to keep my grandfather safe
Old books reborn as art
Online social change easy to organize, hard to win
Play this game to come up with original ideas
Poetry that frees the soul
The beauty and diversity of Muslim life
The danger of hiding who you are
The good news about PMS
The little problem I had renting a house
The mathematics of love
The power of herd immunity
The price of shame
The problem with trickle-down techonomics
There’s a better way to die, and architecture can help
Think your email's private Think again
To solve mass violence, look to locals
What can save the rainforest Your used cell phone

Are China and the US doomed to conflict
Barat Ali Batoor My desperate journey with a human smuggler
Bel Pesce 5 ways to kill your dreams
Bill Gates The next outbreak We’re not ready
Bill T. Jones The dancer, the singer, the cellist ... and a moment of creative magic
Boniface Mwangi The day I stood up alone
Chris Milk How virtual reality can create the ultimate empathy machine
Clint Smith How to raise a black son in America
Confessions of a bad feminist
Dan Ariely How equal do we want the world to be You'd be surprised
Dawn Landes A song for my hero, the woman who rowed into a hurricane
Do we see reality as it is
Elora Hardy Magical houses, made of bamboo
Esther Perel Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved
Fred Jansen How to land on a comet
Gary Haugen The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now
Gorgeous portraits of the world's vanishing people
Greg Gage How to control someone else's arm with your brain
How a driverless car sees the road
How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists
How to fix a broken school Lead fearlessly, love hard
How we cut youth violence in Boston by 79 percent
Jedidah Isler How I fell in love with quasars, blazars and our incredible universe
Kailash Satyarthi How to make peace Get angry
My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality
Nathalie Cabrol How Mars might hold the secret to the origin of life
Nick Bostrom What happens when our computers get smarter than we are
Nizar Ibrahim How we unearthed the spinosaurus
One woman, five characters, and a sex lesson from the future
Pamela Ronald The case for engineering our food
Paul Tudor Jones II Why we need to rethink capitalism
Physical therapy is boring — play a game instead
Sophie Scott Why we laugh
Steven Wise Chimps have feelings and thoughts. They should also have rights
Takaharu Tezuka The best kindergarten you’ve ever seen
Tal Danino Programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it)
The art of first impressions -- in design and life
The first secret of design is ... noticing
The forgotten history of autism
The joy of surfing in ice-cold water
The Lady Lifers A moving song from women in prison for life
The search for planets beyond our solar system
The single biggest reason why startups succeed
The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world
The surprisingly logical minds of babies
This app knows how you feel -- from the look on your face
This is what it's like to teach in North Korea
What do we do when antibiotics don’t work any more
What does my headscarf mean to you
Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've never noticed
Why I believe the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse
Why it's time to forget the pecking order at work

A secret memorial for civilian casualties
A visual history of human knowledge
A visual history of inequality in industrial America
A warrior’s cry against child marriage
Abe Davis New video technology that reveals an object's hidden properties
Alice Goffman How where you live can determine your path to college — or prison
Alzheimer's is not normal aging — and we can cure it
An 11-year-old prodigy performs old-school jazz
An invitation to men who want a better world for women
Anand Varma A thrilling look at the first 21 days of a bee’s life
Could we cure HIV with lasers
Don't ask where I'm from, ask where I'm a local
Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong
Falling in love is the easy part
How fear drives American politics
How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger's
How I stopped the Taliban from shutting down my school
How quantum biology might explain life’s biggest questions
How the mysterious dark net is going mainstream
How to find work you love
How too many rules at work keep you from getting things done
How young blood might help reverse aging. Yes, really
Human trafficking is all around you. This is how it works
I leapt from the stratosphere. Here's how I did it
Meet the women fighting on the front lines of an American war
My road trip through the whitest towns in America
Street art with a message of hope and peace
Stunning photos of the endangered Everglades
The amazing story of the man who gave us modern pain relief
The math behind basketball's wildest moves
The nerd's guide to learning everything online
The story we tell about poverty isn't true
The surprising way groups like ISIS stay in power
The troubling reason why vaccines are made too late ... if they’re made at all
The way we think about work is broken
These robots come to the rescue after a disaster
This is what enduring love looks like
This new telescope might show us the beginning of the universe
This tennis icon paved the way for women in sports
What explains the rise of humans
What happened when I open-sourced my brain cancer
What happens when online shaming spirals out of control
What I learned as a kid in jail
What if 3D printing was 100x faster
What my religion really says about women
What really matters in the end of life
What we learn from insects’ kinky sex lives
When to take a stand -- and when to let it go
Why climate change is a threat to human rights
Why do ambitious women have flat heads
Why gender equality is good for everyone — men included
Why I make robots the size of a grain of rice
Why public beheadings get millions of views
Why the buildings of the future will be shaped by ... you
Why we all need to practice emotional first aid
Why you should care about whale poo

A beatboxing lesson from a father-daughter duo
A boat carrying 500 refugees sunk at sea. The story of two survivors
A breakthrough new kind of wireless Internet
A hilarious celebration of lifelong female friendship
A musical escape into a world of light and color
An art made of trust, vulnerability and connection
An Internet without screens might look like this
An underwater art museum, teeming with life
Art that lets you talk back to NSA spies
Climate change is happening,Here's how we adapt
Deep under the Earth's surface, discovering beauty and science
Design at the intersection of technology and biology
Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothes
Governments don't understand cyber warfare. We need hackers
Home is a song I've always remembered
How germs travel on planes -- and how we can stop them
How I'm working for change inside my church
How I teach kids to love science
How my mind came back to life — and no one knew
How new technology helps blind people explore the world
How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed
How we're growing baby corals to rebuild reefs
How we can make the world a better place by 2030
Let's not use Mars as a backup planet
My country will be underwater soon -- unless we work together
My year reading a book from every country in the world
Refugees have the right to be protected
Social services are broken. How we can fix them
Soon we'll cure diseases with a cell, not a pill
The chilling aftershock of a brush with death
The coolest animal you know nothing about ... and how we can save it
The enchanting music of sign language
The exhilarating peace of freediving
The four fish we're overeating -- and what to eat instead
The future of flying robots
The future of news Virtual reality
The heartbreaking text that inspired a crisis help line
The moral bias behind your search results
The secret sneaker market -- and why it matters
The secret US prisons you've never heard of before
The unexpected beauty of everyday sounds
The untapped genius that could change science for the better
The US needs paid family leave — for the sake of its future
This is what LGBT life is like around the world
Two nameless bodies washed up on the beach. Here are their stories
We can now edit our DNA. But let's do it wisely
What are animals thinking and feeling
What happens when a city runs out of room for its dead
What makes a good life Lessons from the longest study on happiness
Why are these 32 symbols found in ancient caves all over Europe
Why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women
Why some of us don't have one true calling
Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume
You can grow new brain cells. Here's how
