
Morningstar EnCorr Portfolio Strategist v9.3 build 526-Lz0 英文正式版(資產分配策略和投資組合工具)

軟體名稱:Morningstar EnCorr Portfolio Strategist v9.3 build 526-Lz0 英文正式版(資產分配策略和投資組合工具)
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003



Morningstar EnCorr Portfolio Strategist v9.3 build 526-Lz0 英文正式版(資產分配策略和投資組合工具) 

Morningstar EnCorr Portfolio Strategist是一款資產分配策略和投資組合工具。它結合

EnCorr Asset Allocation Strategy and  Portfolio              
Implementation Software                                      
EnCorr combines the latest in financial theory and  practice 
with innovative tools for performance analytics,  delivering 
sophisticated investment concepts within an  easy-to-use     
application.  EnCorr offers you flexible investment analysis 
options,  efficient and timesaving applications, and         
centralized  access to a wide selection of data. Analyze     
historical  performance data, develop and implement          
your  asset allocation policy with a variety of              
investments,  project wealth using Monte Carlo simulation,   
and  evaluate and monitor investment style and               
  Our Clients                                                
Investment professionals use EnCorr to build optimal  asset  
allocation recommendations and produce  portfolios mixed     
with various risk/reward tradeoffs along  the efficient      
frontier. Our clients include endowments,  foundations,      
retirement plan providers, asset  management firms, banks    
and insurance companies.  Investment consultants, RIAs and   
portfolio managers  find EnCorr a critical part of their     
investment research.                                         
  Powerful Integrated Functionality                          
EnCorr integrates historical data analysis, strategic        
asset  allocation, forecasting, returns-based style          
analysis,  portfolio attribution, and a wide array of        
statistical and  graphical analyses into one powerful        
application.  EnCorr gives you the tools you need to support 
your  investment recommendations. Analyze                    
investment  strategies and create portfolios that deliver    
the highest  return for a given level of risk, or the lowest 
risk  for a given return. Apply cutting-edge techniques      
like  resampling or the Black-Litterman methodologies  to    
greatly increase portfolio diversification, and              
generate  more robust performance. Perform historical        
data  analysis by sorting and analyzing return statistics,   
userdefined  performance periods, regression and             
correlation.  Proprietary and Third-Party Data  EnCorr       
provides you with access to the flagship Stocks,  Bonds,     
Bills, and Inflation?(SSBI? data, more than                
12,000  third-party indexes, and, of course, global          
investment  data from Morningstar. In addition, clients can  
access  data from Beacon Research, Center for Research  in   
Security Prices (CRSP?, Dimson, Marsh, Staunton,  JP        
Morgan, and Hedge Fund Research, for additional  fees. Use   
these data modules or import your own.  Currency convert-,   
hedge- and inflation-adjust data series  for the ultimate    

