
PlexityHide GTP NET v3.0.12.12英文正式版

軟體名稱:PlexityHide GTP NET v3.0.12.12英文正式版
系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003




     PlexityHide GTP NET v3.0.12.12英文正式版 (交互式的.NET甘特圖表軟體)



交互式的.NET甘特圖表. GTP.NET是一個最暢銷的Gantt Time Package能在.NET環境下重寫。
該控件包可以使用.NET隨意地顯示和安排時間。Gantt Time Package .NET是處理時間塊的用
戶介面元件的集合。該時間塊可以在Gantt chart或schema view中顯示。該時間從屬於它的

We are proud to present GTP.NET 3.0: GTP.NET is a component   
package for .NET. The components helps you with time          
visualization and interaction. GTP.NET contains a fully       
interactive Gantt chart and a fully interactive Schedule      
chart. GTP.NET components can be delivered via WindowsForms   
applications, ASP.NET, Microsoft Ajax and even in reduced     
trust environments like ClickOnce and XBAP. GTP.NET is        
runtime license free.                                         
One of the exciting new things in GTP.NET 3.0 is the          
"Gantt_ASP Client side moveable time items", or Ajax time     
items if you would like. This enables you to build true web   
2.0 solutions with the GTP.NET. We have several Ajax samples  
running here. In these samples we bind to a datasource to     
show GridNodes and GanttRows with some TimeItems. You can     
move and resize the time items in the browser. You can even   
switch rows for time items in the browser. We also added the  
Schedule mode to the Gantt_ASP to allow you to flip the       
Gantt-chart to a schedule.                                    
The interactive Gantt chart for Windows Forms has also been   
extended. One thing in particular that makes the GTP.NET      
stand out from the crowd is the selectable and re-assignable  
links. And in GTP.NET 3.0 we take it even one step further    
by providing full databind for links between time items, it   
has never been easier than today to whip up a good            
maintainable gui for your time based information. The         
package offers ASP.NET with Ajax and Windows Forms Gantt.     
Since the product is fully security aware you can even        
deploy XBAP or ClickOnce solutions with internet trust        
Introduction to GTP.NET 3.0  GTP.NET 3.0 contains a sample    
series named "LetsBuild_". Currently there are 3              
distinctively different samples in this series. They are      
"LetsBuild_ProjectPlanner", "LetsBuild_ResourceBooker" and    
The 3 samples shows different patterns of time visualization  
and manipulation. Depending on your current task you can      
choose the sample that resembles your need at hand the most   
and quickly get started with GTP.NET.                         
All 3 samples are short and to the point of the problem they  
solve. You will want to elaborate a lot more to get a         
compelling finished product.                                  
PlexityHide also offers a lot more specialized samples that   
can be downloaded to really get in deep with the GTP.NET      
object model, but if you just stick to the "LetsBuild_"       
samples series we believe you will get started and            
introduced to the important parts just fine.                  
The samples build WindowsForms applications, and they are     
key to understanding GTP.NET even if your aim is to build     
ASP.NET or Ajax solutions with the GTP.NET. 

