
Gnomon Alalog Training Video -Sculpture V DVDRIP ­^¤å±Ð¾Ç¥úºÐ¥¿¦¡ª© (2CD)

³nÅé¦WºÙ:Gnomon Alalog Training Video -Sculpture V DVDRIP ­^¤å±Ð¾Ç¥úºÐ¥¿¦¡ª© (2CD)
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Gnomon Alalog Training Video -Sculpture V DVDRIP ­^¤å±Ð¾Ç¥úºÐ¥¿¦¡ª© (2CD) 


¥ÑJohn Brown±Ð¾ÇÁ¿±Â¨¤¦âÀY³¡¸Ô²ÓÀJ¶ì¡C²Ä¤­³¡¥÷¡C



Sculpture with John Brown, VOL. V: Molding and Casting the Maquette            
Instructor: John Brown      
'Molding and Casting the Maquette' picks up where 'Sculpture 2, 'Character       
Maquettes' left off. Beginning with the sculpture, this four hour lecture      
takes the student through preparing the sculpture to be molded, by first      
cutting the sculpture into separate pieces, right up to pulling plastic       
casts out of the silicone flexible molds and assembling them. Through an       
intricately detailed step-by-step process, students will learn how to make      
a flexible silicone Matrix mold, individual box molds and then how to       
produce plastic castings of all the sculpture parts. From there it       
illustrates assembly techniques, covering seaming and patching of the       
plastic parts, then moves on to priming and getting the student ready for      
painting and finishing their project, all while exposing the viewer to the      
special materials and tricks of this trade. Students will also learn how       
to avoid the practical pitfalls associated with this kind of work, walking      
away with a solid foundation for molding and casting their own projects.       
Two DVDs (4 hours)       

Tools Covered:       
- Matrix and Box Molds      
- Understanding Undercuts      
- Locating Parting Line      
- Mold Registration      
- Sprues and Vents      
- Silicone and Casting Plastics      
- Display Mounting and Assembly   
